Further to our initial announcement on March 19, 2020, we wish to inform you that we will not be operating from our Collingwood location due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
This decision was not made lightly but is the best outcome for the health of our clients, staff and families.
We continue to be available by email and by phone to provide full accounting and tax services to our clients.
Clients can send information to us securely through a secure portal.
We are also offering pick up and drop off services directly to your home, in the local area, using social distancing and safety measures. In addition, we are offering a drop box at the Wasaga Beach home office. Please call or email to set up a date and time that is convenient for you!
We are not providing a date of re-opening of our office due to the uncertainty of the virus outbreak in our region. Further announcements will be forthcoming when we know more.
Thank you for your continued support. We wish each and every one of you continued health during this difficult time.